#imma tag lee in this as well
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thurio-edau · 2 months ago
@lee1504 what about funky gender usopp
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tossball-stick · 1 year ago
hey man. if youre complaining about the actors in the borderlands movie being "too old" for the roles. i wanna remind you that in the trailer alone, for a bl1 based movie, hyperion is branded yellow and white instead of red and black, tina is the same age shes supposed to be in 2, krieg has escaped hyperion when jack isnt even supposed to be ruling yet, and fuckin. mouthpiece from bl3 was there. just off the top of my head. i could find more lore inconsistencies if i tried
frankly i think the only issue with the casting is how many of them are zionists and the fact that theyre trying to make roland a comedic character played by kevin hart when hes supposed to be the straight man. like. come on. roland is the only even slightly normal one out of the first games vault hunters (i really dont care that much at the end of the day, thats just my main gripe besides the zionism)
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beyondbinaries · 5 months ago
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I'm posting this a bit early in case the 12th isn't a good mental health day. And I'm sorry if the random tag is annoying or if this post takes up too much space on dash.
On Oct 12 2016, I made a coincedental decision that has changed my life as a whole. A choice that has led me to so much pain but also so many happy memories and irreplcable friends. I made my pfp on Quotev a Genis Sage picture and somehow ended up involved in a Symphonia rp group 💕.
I had loved Genis as a character since I was a child watching my sister play at my Nanny's (my cousin would always delete her save before we even reached triet) and when we got a copy of the game when I was around 11/12 I had him on my team for the most part. It was my fascination with half elves and the mysterious Kharlan War Era that led to the creation of Mana, Oracle, Lee, 3rd, and Sunny. But those were all just childish writing in a notebook I hid from the world. Im sure lil me would die on the spot to hear that they are charas so many people know. I always knew that I loved to write but it was for charas like Sherlotta who were niche and not from a series as big as Tales so I never wrote Genis. Well until that day, I was too awkward to tell them I wasnt an rp blog and fully committed to it.
And look where that has led me. Here to you all. This journey may have been long and filled with things I'd never wish on anyone but I'm happy. So many of you have encouraged me and been there for me. I love and appreciate you all. Under the cut imma try to have things for a lot of you all word wise as gratitude. But thank you all so much, there are no amount of words or tangible sentences to express how much you all mean to me. And a happy birthday to my Genis interp who I wish i still wrote
@pyonpyonpyon ; Yuki youve been around since I started on here and damn time sure does fly. Thank you for always sticking around and plotting some of the most insane relations w/ me (Moe and Yuuri family) and dealing with tye silly kyubey meming I did back in 2017 (its been that long)
@mermaus ; sobs you know how much i lov and appreciate you but I will reiterate here... Lena you have stood by me for so much, have made my day so many times, etc. You are one of the most talented people on this website and in general? You are funny, kind, brave, strong, amazing. Im forever thankful to have met you and to be in your life. I am so eagerly awaiting the day we can meet and I can hug you irl.
@strebcr ; Pineapple !!! I am so so glad to have reconected with you! You are truly an amazing person and i am forever blessed to be considered your friend.
@in-sum ; Puyo !! Sobs I am so glad we were able to reconnect again, you are an amazing friend and you are always there for me. Youve stood in my corner when I was going through some of my worst times and I am forever grateful. You are talented and kindhearted and you stand up for what you believe is right.
@malusrecord / @constellationcrowned ; Kala!!!!!! It goes without saying how amazing of a writer and person you are. You bring so much life to your characters and it truly shows. I always find myself reading and rereading your posts when I am active on dash. You deserve all the good things in the world. And thank you so much for being my fren, I will always enjoy our dms and learning more about series i never thought I'd enjoy.
@ervaurem ; Shai!! I appreciate ypu so heckin much, you are such a kind and thoughtful person. I adore your presence on my dash and i adore the bonds between our characters. You've been there for me for such a long time now and I cant ever thank you enough..
@ofstarsandskies , @mathcs , @altosk , @cataclysmus , @talesofourworlds , and @broadswordandpistol ; a big catch all for all the wonderful people I met during festitales, despite how rough i am forever thankful for the oppurtunity I was given to force others into my point and click dm style of adventure. I have so much I cam say to each n every one of you 🥺
@solivcgant ; Mochi Mochi!! I am so sorry for the crimes Mana has committed against food and Eiji's mental health (eggbear eggs painge). I enjoy your presence and dog memes so much. You are so cool amd amazing aaa.
@twinklesofhope ; Ringo!! You are so talented and seeing you around makes me so happy.
@canidgrit / @nickitsden ; Fox!!! Hi we don't write together often but you are such a joy to see on my dash.
@biisutoarm ; Red!!! Hewwo hewwo, i love your Elfman so much he is such a treat and seeing him on dash always brightens my day. You are such a talented writer !
@osovereign ; Rinni! Hi hello, you are such an amazing and wonderful person. I have a lot of fun dming and writing with you. Its so nice to write with you again (I found a draft from like Jan 2017 on an old blog for you and i had to stop and stare at it lol--). I appreciate you so much and I hope to keep expanding Kratos' collection of poor Mana art.
@ednaeflowers ; Jenny!! Hi!! I know we aren't all that close or anything but you are such a delight to see on my dash. The Eizen and Edna thread we have is near and dear to my heart. I also really appreciate Mana and Edna's little friendship thing. I just really love your Edna interp 🥺, you are so talented and I appreciate you.
And to anyone else who read this far down, I love and appreciate you so much. Even if we don't speak or really write together. I genuinely believe each and every person I follow are talented individuals.
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lunarisntlee · 22 days ago
Imma do it too
All of the asks /nf
Bouta get a whole notes reference on me smh /silly (doing the ones I haven’t answered yet)
🎀- What's the most effective method on you?
It depends on the spot, but light scribbles at my tummy would make me lose it, or squeezes at my thighs-
🩰- What's a spot you don't like getting tickled/tickling?
Sometimes there’s just certain spots I don’t feel like having touched, depends on my mood.
🍥- Fav after care method for your ler/lee?
For being the lee, I ADORE cuddles after and just getting head scratches. Bonus points for praise
For being the ler, I like to comment about the lee being all cute and stuff and then just snuggling with em. 
🍫- What's a spot you don't like tickling/getting tickled?
This question is repeated
💄- Easiest way to put you in a ler/lee mood?
Lee moods: Almost anything gets me I’m serious. Wiggling fingers and verbal teases get me the worst though.
Ler moods: I adore hearing laughter of all sorts so that can end up putting me in a ler mood at times. Seeing tickle art of my favorite characters sometimes does as well.
💋- Thoughts on pinning down/being pinned down?
I’m fond of it as a lee, but I don’t do it often as a ler.
🍣- If you like tools, do you prefer harder tools or softer tools? Why?
This one also depends on how I feel. If I’m feeling soft then I prefer softer tools if I’m in the mood, sometimes I want the other ones too though.
🦢- Upperbody tkls or lowerbody tickles?
I prefer upper body :]
🥼- Soft tickles or rough ones?
Also depends on my mood. Soft ones tend to work more on me than rough ones though.
📄- Any celebrity dream lee/ler?
I get butterflies every time I think about ler or lee yeonjun. There’s just something about him idk man. And I’m also lee for like every female idol in the industry-
🍙- Tag some of ur tickle community friends <3
Here I go :3
@minsungii @sweetnanauwu @justaticklishdeer @notadamnotadam @coolstar-girl @ others that I don’t feel like tagging
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ruiniel · 1 year ago
Tag games extravaganza
So because I can't tell my head from my tail these days I'm doing all the recent tag games in one. Thank you all for including me in these fun little distractions.
1. childhood crush vs current crush via @batsyforyou here
Brandon Lee playing The Crow was It
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Today? Can't really think of any
3. challenge -> you’re starring in a movie with the last person you saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. via @batsyforyou
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Still him because I was looking for images but... Yeah
3. little guy maker|Picrew , tagged by @batsyforyou here
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This is Gaw'n, chaotic good
4. fuzzy worm maker | Picrew, tagged by @batsyforyou here and @junk-whunk-punk-artist here
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She is the Night
5. Last line game, tagged by @cilil here , @herinke here and @batsyforyou here
The blades of grass and leaves onto the forest bed crunched beneath their tread. The elf appeared strangely absorbed by this, his head lowered as he stalked forward. "It does not matter. Not anymore."
6. You and your fav | Picrew , tagged by @batsyforyou here
Aw, well chose Carmilla, thought it'd be fun
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7. What's the color palette of your name tagged by @batsyforyou here
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0 pressure tag to choose and do whichever of these appeals: @demigoddessqueens @effervescentdragon @imma-lil-teapot @chthonicsiren @goschatewabn @fandomn00blr @hirazuki @asianbutnotjapanese @eveningalchemist @wyyvernn @polutrope and anyone else
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years ago
In honour of the start of pride month, can we have hbtaker just being gay for each other? For the culture? 🤲🏼
Not gonna lie, I had no idea what to write. But then I remembered both me and shawn are Pansexual so, imma just write what we know best. Simping for big deadman.
Hbtaker- It's pride month, so no. You do not get a title.
Taker murmurs to himself as he lifts the steel steps, moving them to the ringside. He glances up to see Shawn laid across the ropes. "Any chance you'll be helping boy toy?" Taker asks. They are rehearsing some new tag team moves. Well atleast that's what Taker thought. "Oh I'm enjoying the view big boy" Shawn smirks sitting up. "Oh really?" Taker asks raising a eyebrow. "Oh really" Shawn nods. Taker grabs the top ropes causing the smaller to wobble as he pulls himself up. Shawn watches as he climbs into the ring and stands in the corner infront of him. Taker places his hands either side of the blonde.
"Can I help you?" Shawn whispers, a blush building on his face. "Just enjoying the view" Taker mutters tilting his head down to be level with the man. "Thats my saying" Shawn frowns. "Shut up" Taker chuckles before pulling the man into a kiss. Shawn moans before grasping the back of takers head and deepening the kiss. Taker pulls back. "I love you but we need to train" Taker mutters. "Awe I love you too" Shawn smiles running his fingers through takers hair.
"I'd love you both to stop" a voice groans. Shawn looks back to see Kevin and Goldust. "Jealousy is a terrible thing kev" Shawn smirks. "Oh trust me lush, I'm not jealous" Kevin chuckles. "Speak for yourself" goldust whispers. "How can we help you boys?" Taker asks. "Its pride month and you boys are celebrating with me" goldust smiles. "No way" Taker groans. "Ah shit you mentioned that a few weeks ago, I forgot to mention it to taker. I told goldie we'd go out drinking with him at a gay bar. Kev is looking after John and Lee. Cmon it'll be fun" Shawn pouts.
Taker groans. "Fine but the minute something I don't like happens we are leaving" Taker warns. "Yessir!" Shawn smiles hugging him. "Result!" Goldust cheers. Taker hides his face against shawns neck. He will regret it.
What a cliff hanger.
I'm evil. Ik
It's the pansexual in me
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 2 years ago
9 People You'd Like To Know More
Tagged by @incandescentflower! tumblr why'd you make us not mutuals?? that's fixed now tho lmaooo
Last song: La Da Dee by Cody Simpson. in a very "skip everything" mood tho
Currently watching:
My Personal Weatherman for the zox/tarou nonsense no one saw coming. looking forward to ep 2 tonight
My Little Lover (2015) there's 4 of these, apparently?? watching the one on viki and it's cute as i slowly go through it
Pending Train because gokaiblue and kamen rider cross-z. i know people don't like the ending but like so far very much enjoying it
Ohsama Sentai KingOhger god what a toku this is i love it. lotta plot after donbros especially tho
Ultraman Gaia because of hassei. good lord ep 20 i have a fic imma start once i answer this cause uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well. yeah.
About to start:
i don't think anything? i have those 5 shows and also waiting for motivation for kamen no ninja akakage and subs for inukai's worst class reunion ever
Just finished:
Keibuho Yabe Kenzo which was kinda meh but i want to watch the second season for a bunch of tokus. i've watched the third season which had the funniest toku references i've ever seen.
Currently reading: The Third Summer of The Traveling Pants. was in the mood to reread the series, and then i'll have a bunch of classics i've never read from the library to read
Current obsession: toku. come on. toku brain rot is real
tagging: @skajador @lunar-gltch @rosemirmir @doomednarrative @snapple-man @lee-donghun @funyasm @zscribez @creativityobsessed
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Wow, Hee-Ryang. Kinda getting a bit too forward over here, are we?
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Not that we're turning a blind eye for you killing Yeonjo's entire family, but, you know, you're gaining points for trying to win Yeonjo's favor 😭
Comparing this to Painter of the Night tho, Seungho made advances on Na-Kyum much later, only in chapter 16
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Compared to Hee-Ryang swooping in on Yeonjo in chapter 7
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Hee-Ryang is the bigger ho of the two simply bc he's a person of authority in the government
Pretty sure Seungho would've gone down the same path as well had he taken a spot in Hanyang's court
Both characters from two different series are complex. Now I can't wait to see Hee-Ryang's tragic backstory 😌
Which popped a question:
Who do you think would top if a crack pairing was born: Hee-Ryang or Seungho? 😆
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pvrkchanyeol · 7 years ago
lee: i've never been more disappointed in u
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tobysbliss · 2 years ago
2, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16 for the tk asks :)
from this list
and i saw the other 2 asks you sent so ill put them here
2. Favorite Ler? (Tag them if you dare~)
now what if ive got multiple. wil, gravity & you
5. A spot that gets you squealing?
QUIT MAKIN ME SAY THIS/lh/j stomachh
12. Upper body tickles or lower body tickles?
upper body 100%
13. Neck or ear tickles?
oooh. ive never had my ears actually tkled soo imma go w/ neck tkls ig
14. Pinned on your back, or your stomach?
aah. see ive been tkled while pinned on my back & on my stomach and ive noticed these;
with being pinned on my back, if my arms aren’t held up its a lot easier to defend myself and there’s a slight chance i hit them.. but they could also target my stomach which is my favorite worst spot,,,
and if im pinned on my stomach? its harder for me to get away, and even if my arms aren’t held up i cant really defend myself very well
15. What do you love about the lees you know?
e v e r y t h i n g theyre all just so very adorable:D
16. What do you love about the lers you know?
how fuckinf teasy they areee🫠 i get butterflies everytime im being teased and then i get ghost tkls on top and theres one specific person who somehow knows exactly what to say to me when teasing everytime anditisntfairr/lh/j
19. What’s your favorite way to be tickled? (As in provoked, teased into asking, etc.)
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sigery · 2 months ago
Well fucking hell, this wasn't something I was expecting to show up in my activity. like wtf.
@madcatdaderpydrawer-blog @artoutoftheblue @eclipsedcrystalstar @amphiptere-art @churchydragon @cheedonanddragonhorse @deyisacherry @planetahmane @calabaza-o-luna @sunny1-tsams @raulasniteonearth @what-is-my-aesthetic @whatssanity-imrosie @ilovelifetbh @opalignity @unnamed-idi0t @abosamisblog @ryomaandgundhamkin @thatweirdocryptid @atticus-blair @star-wish0074 @noinoi999 @multifandomcutie13 @lunthestar317 @milkyandtwiz @magnuspeccatori @bamsara @baa-whatever @basilbots @kittybot57 @skibibadadobop @lunarfoxbeloved @jadescortaurius1 @mysticcroissant @scally-wiggles716 @shycatowner @sephythespooky @sen-sational @seven-thewanderer @yn5436 @sapphicapparition @sassycandypoetry @roboticsuccubus83 @bloodmoons-knife @bloodmoon-da-idiot @idkmanwtfishumanityanymore @yolexxx @blakes-cloudy-m1nd @redhybridz @art-fnaf-andanimeisdalife @mineplex8 @digimonlover09 @imagine-creative @atherflame-theconcubus @uz1-dr0n3 @test23-24m @samoftheswamp @sammiexoxlol1010109 @sp4c3ch33ri0 @technobladeneverdies123 @poppyplaytimelittlecousinau @xxlil-weebxx @xitsensunmoon @derpiedoxie @d3athlystars @montywithchildhoodtrauma @aceawkwardunicorn @alexandraisyes @polaris-stuff @alex4735 @randoms-random-blog-of-random @the-cat-stares-into-your-soul @thedenofravenpuff @the-faketiccit0by @thatonebgcharacter @pomegranate-vinegarete @sinnabee @sinclairmaxwellao3 @junowashad @chicken324 @shamedump @breadcatt @lonely-lovely-lemons @emrys-nox @emhm @spinel9111 @galaxysugarr @galaxynexuslover @knightmaiden @ranbulter-epicsans-moon @mengy007 @snowe-zolynn-rogers @pax-former @asmodeus-682 @autobotgirl1851-blog @blakes-cloudy-mind @ikamigami @lunars-frogs-owls-2 @ninnaaxolotl @millenniumproductions @animalsandskyyy @simpalert @randomobjectsandstuff @akitothemightydorito @happylilcloud4 @randomweirdo-e @hollowphoenix27 @g0dwat3r @phoenixdoesstuff @hauntedsouldreamer @dragon-ace @froggiefataleart @nadinescholtes @celestialmango @jesterflower @green-song @dizziestdreamer @annieanonymous1 @purplesangel @sorriswiddi @tway-la @cheezbot-109 @bipolar-sad-and-ready-to-cry @kuuchaos @turbotasthick @sunny-inajar @sunny-sourzii @hollowskullhead @n3-x-us @dragoncxv360 @linafoxoficial @smoljeanius @crees-a @miiv12 @dumbinkshark @mysticcroissant @o-i-w-u @vectorisheree @thatmooncake @bestkiboo @catspawcreates @agileo-101 @a-book-of-creatures @head-in-the-icloud @homunculuslover @milky-shea @milkyrrr @moth-bells @quasar-kaiser @rayofmisfortune @unnamed-idi0t @knife-filled-plushies @arunningjoke @erenevune @echoingkarma @starshinenoa @dragonjesterincognito @0-kbelle-0 @inkyucu @meemo32 @lazyboy-baby @potatotato-26 @cookiiemancer @starays13 @8um8le @xmimi89er @xitsensunmoon @misscaterpilla4 @chocolix76 @icy-gendango @coulsart @kandidandi @liminal-library @asklostlordeclipse @crazedauthor @baby-bloos @hahskeleton @homunculuslover @nekojaf @roseytoesy @fablekitty @hyperkitten224 @coy-lee @galaxywolf363 @witchysolfan @sourtomatola @just-a-drawing-bean @basilbots @socksandbuttons @visionthefox @garbagechocolate @ayyy-imma-ninja @restinsodaroni @ohno-the-sun @ailithnight @yetanothergreyjedi @newts-and-sharks @gessshoku @mutable-manifestation @tiredmaskkara @cookiepop-cat @imagine-darksiders @neonross @muzzlemouths @melanirana @rynekins @rayofmisfortune @brightsstar @sunnydbeam @lavenoon @zus-a-fungi @mcchicken-scratches @fluffffpillow @urbanqhoul @factual-fantasy @naffeclipse @bloo-the-dragon @cherybeee @lilmissnia @dazedphobia @craykaycee @sorveteir @paradoxgavel @maudiemoods @smolcinnamonchipmunk @smoljeanius @kriimhild @beamsoflight @sinnabee @thedemonscrawler @pixelchills @pbmonstaa @sun-e-chips @madamemiz @madame-mongoose @solarrush @bones-of-a-rabbit @pillowspace @hashbrowniss @shandzii @oobbbear @opudont-donut
I apologize if I tagged anyone more than once. Tagged basically anyone I even vaguely recognized. and probably tagged people's mains and alts. Stay safe
Hello dear!
Sorry for bothering you, but it's important to remind you to turn off your asks for a few days! Bad things are going to happen on Tumblr soon...
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Don t know anything about this but BETTER BE SAFE EVERYBODY!!!!!!
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isimpoveryou · 3 years ago
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫
harry styles x reader
fc: devon lee carlson
request are closed
yourinstagram ✔︎
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Liked by harrystyles and 2,890,256 others
yourinstagram Las Vegas you never disappoint me
view all 70,268 comments
yourinstagram honestly dont be suprised anymore the mr arrogant son of bitch himself wants me to wear it and im not mad
harryfan89 BYE- 💀
harrystyles i knew you would look good
yourinstagram honestly it kinda makes me feel like mr crab but since i love you imma say i like good
harrystyles very thoughtful.....
y/nfan105 maam marry me
yourinstagram wheres the ring?
harrystyles ✔︎
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Liked by yourinstagram and 5,489,711 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Las Vegas, NV.
view all 105,290 comments
harryfan21 harry i do appreciate for you to post this photo BUT WE WANT YOUR ARROGANT FACE
yourinstagram what they said 😌☝ i teach you all so well i swear
yourinstagram and he finally posted something
harrystyles when are you gonna stop being sassy
yourinstagram when you released medicine and sing to be so lonely
harryfan68 ^^ y/n understood the assignment
y/nfan90 y/n watch out imma steal your man
jeffezoff hi yes y/n speaking so long story short my phone broke and im using jeffs phone rn but NOOO HE IS MINE <33
yourinstagram ✔︎
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Liked by mitchrowland and 4,890,267 others
yourinstagram ofc harry had to cover mitch 🙄 kidding guys but LOOK AT MY BF THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND LOOK AT HIM SERVING US WITH HIS LOOKS. damn im lucky
tagged-harrystyles, mitchrowland
view all 99,268 comments
harryfan49 anyway harry needs to realize we came there for mitch
mitchrowland let the narcissist have the time of his life y/n
yourinstagram 😑
y/nfan60 im living for y/n playfully bullying harry LIKE-
harryfan109 its called a healthy relationship
yourinstagram ✔︎
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Liked by harrystyles and 6,890,278 others
yourinstagram the morning after concert kisses
view all 390 comments
jeffezoff cute now lets get back to work
yourinstagram let us HAVE my moment���� thank you 🥺
harrystyles thank for being there for me lovie
yourinstagram your welcome hazza 🥰🥰
yourinstagram welp the know what the signed up for then
bellahadid my parents
yourinstagram OUR CHILD @harrystyles
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neosarchives · 3 years ago
because i met you,
—ep20.3: imma go enjoy
warning: language!
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⋆ pairing: mark lee x reader
⋆ summary: after the mother of his child left him for another guy, mark had developed trust issues which brought him to never want to fall for any girl again. everything was going well in mark’s life, just him, his beloved daughter, his best friends, and his success as an author. what happens if a girl unexpectedly comes, and already falls before even realizing it?
⋆ a/n: arggg sorry for the inconsistent updates 😣ignore timestamps! please send any feedback, opinions etc! and send an ask to be added to the taglist :)
s;taglist: @najaemism @catscoffeeandkpop @studywoo @keijikunn @aedreamzy @smolpeyy @liljeongseong @hae06 @f4irynono @fullsunld
bimy;taglist: @tennieboiii @minavenue @hyuckshinee @y3jiishot @morkleetrash @rinrinslovebot @yipyipmorals @cclaik444 @wanlore @thejeongjaehyun @h0ney-el @httpmuffin @luvenshiti @mrkleelvr @icecreamjaem @eboyjuni @karaxomb @danihow @jinsoul-gf
couldn't tag: @meowmeowhoon @cacaubs @aelvbt @kissslatwr
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midnightswithdearkatytspb · 4 years ago
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VelvetCardiganBucky’s Recommendations 2021: Week 17 | April 18th – April 24th
Welcome to week 17 of my recommendations, if you would like to be featured on a future list, I follow the hashtag #VelvetCardiganBucky, message me, tag me in your future works, or reblog this post and link to your story, one-shot, Masterlist, writing challenge, etc.
Be aware some if not most stories and writers on this list are meant to be consumed by an audience of those 18+. My blog is also an 18+ blog.
✨Page breaks are made @firefly-graphics✨
«Last Week
Week 18»
My Masterlist
My Fic Rec List of Mafia/Mob Bucky/Sebastian & Steve/Chris/Andy
Stuff I Posted This Week
Forever & Always: Stage 1 - Denial | Pt.1 » Bucky Barnes x Witch!Reader & Platonic Avengers x Reader — Y/N “Birdy” (nicknamed by her family), comes from a long line of witches and warlocks, living her days at the New Avengers Compound, alongside her friends. The Avengers are part of her family and her family is always welcome to the compound. Things for once seemed to be going well now that all was right from the attack on Thanos, everyone was alive, all was forgiven, friendships were thriving, that all ended when Birdy’s brother came calling with sad news, their mother had suddenly passed. These are the stages of grief Birdy faces, through the loss of her best friend, her protector, her mother.
His Favorite Day » Chris Evans x Reader — Chris’s favorite day of the year is your birthday.
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Bucky Barnes
*No Hidden Messages by @jobean12-blog » TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Sam sends you a picture of Bucky and the endgame is priceless. | Honestly I love me some dominant Bucky, and if Sam had sent me that picture I would have dropped my phone and been like yep that my babe. I was thinking something more dirty but I’ll keep that thought to myself. 😉
Sucker Punch by @buckyblues » Boxer!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader — Bucky thought he knew what was his, until he accidentally let it roam free. | Someone come dump a cold bucket of water on me please?
Someone Like You by @startrekkingaroundasgard » Bucky Barnes x Hydra Agent!Reader — Taken from their SHIELD prison cell, the reader finds themself alone with The Winter Soldier negotiating for their life. | I really enjoyed reading this, the sass of the reader and how Bucky handles them. It’s just so perfect. Nicola says there is more to come for this pair and I’m so very much looking forward to it.
(Mini) Series:
Happy & So Happy by @mrwinterr » Rockstar!Bucky Barnes AU x Female Reader — You meet your favorite artist and get more than what you bargained for. | The smut in this is hot and by the end you are hoping the reader gets a happy ending not a tragic one.
*A Tender Heart 💜 Pt. 3 by @river-soul » Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader — You’ve been sweet on Bucky since you started working at the compound six months ago. Normally quiet and mild mannered, an unexpected fight with a coworker brings Bucky into your orbit. [A/B/O dynamics and explicit sexual content, 18+] | I feel the love that is radiating from this story and I really love it and the little bit of smut we get in chapter 3 is perfect!
the (after) party by @buckycuddlebuddy sequel loft music » fuckboy!bucky barnes x reader — “why don’t we have this thing they call goodbye sex? one last time.” he leaned forward, his lips brushing your ear. “i’ll make it good for you.” | In some strange way it was therapeutic to read this but at the same time I felt bad for the reader in the first part. Second part you are rooting for her but still feeling bad. I will say the smut in this is perfect.
Just Like Dad Pt. 3 🦾 Pt. 1 🦾 Pt. 2 by @ladyfallonavenger » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky finally confronts Steve and moves forward with his life. | Very sweet ending and I loved it.
Sweet Dreams 🥞 Pt. 4 🥞 Pt. 5 🥞 Pt. 6 🥞 Pt. 7 by @jedimastermelkor » Bucky Barnes x Reader & ? x Avenger — Your daily routine involves waking up in the morning, going to work and sulking at night. But then you meet the man you’ve fantasized about for your entire life, Bucky Barnes. At the same time, you’ve caught someone else’s eye and his first step in winning you over is to cook you breakfast. But will you be welcoming of that person’s affections? | I like how she named the puppy Pancake and the first thing the mysterious avenger gave her was pancakes. I don’t want to give too much away but things are getting really good and you find out who the mysterious avenger is in chapter 6!
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Steve Rogers
*Caught by @giorno-plays-piano » Bluebeard!Steve Rogers x Reader — If he kept you warm, saying words of love to you every day while he looked you in the face, you’d marry him even if in a year he hanged you just like all his wives in the dungeon of his castle. | It’s dark but in a soft way and it’s so good. I highly recommend you go and read it.
Drabble Request by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Steve Rogers x Reader — We find out how Steve and Reader met before they ever got in a relationship. Takes place before Tell Me What You Want. | I loved this so much, I was laughing and pictured this whole piece so vividly in my brain. Also I just want a part where Bucky teases Steve about that night in front of reader making her giggle, maybe at the wedding?
(Mini) Series:
*Yuánfèn 📖 Pt. 4 by @writerwrites » Steve Rogers x Reader — When you’ve lost everything and try to run away from your problems, you keep finding a way back to the one person who completely understands. Can you make another person happy with a broken heart? | I always look forward to the updates on this story. It brings me so much comfort and the relationship that is blossoming between the reader and Steve is beautiful and organic. I highly recommend this.
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*Just Like Her Old Man by @rebelwrites » Chibs Telford x Reader — I asked for: Parents get called into school for a meeting due to their daughter fighting, and trying not to be proud. Taking them out for a treat after the meeting. | It turned out so great. If you knew me at my Sons Anarchy Days, you know I loved Chibs the most. This feed my love for him even more. Thank you Heather!!
*A Simple Solution by @sweetlyscared » Andy Barber x Fem!Reader, Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader, Andy Barber x Fem!Reader x Ari Levinson — You and Andy had a purely sexual relationship for several months, and you’d started to grow attached to him. Unfortunately, life has a way of complicating things, and a chance encounter at a bookstore had you stuck between a rock and a hard place. | We all owe a huge thank you to Sweet Lee, for writing and posting this. She wrote our dreams out so perfectly, and if you haven’t thought of this now you can. It’s just so hot and good, I for one am very thankful.
(Mini) Series:
*Give In 🐈‍⬛ Pt. 23 🐈‍⬛ Pt. 24 🐈‍⬛ Pt. 25 by @overr-written » soft!dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader — She didn’t think she was anything special. So when the intimidating Sheriff takes an interest in her, she can’t help but feel a little unsettled. Her boring life is about to get a little interesting. | I love this series so much and the lengths that the chapters are. I really am going to be sad when this is over. I don’t ever want it to end. 😭
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Seal Team
Imma Take Care Of Your Body by @rebelwrites » Clay Spenser x Reader — Reader is the only female member on Bravo who also has a no strings attached relationship with Rebel. | Let me just say this is hot, like really hot. Give me a glass of water and let me cool down. Thank you Heather for blessing us with this.
Tier One Babysitters by @bravo-four-seal-team » Seal Team; Ray Perry x Naima Perry — Ray and Naima ask the team to watch 6 month old Jameelah. | I promise you will be laughing.
You Are Perfect by @rebelwrites » Clay Spenser x Reader — Clay tells you everything he loves about you. | As a big boned girl this meant a lot and has me wishing for a Clay Spenser to call my own.
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years ago
The Family of Destruction- Clean Break
The title is quite literal. I made a fake insta thread about Leon breaking his arm but never truly went into details so. Surprise
Lmao crying my eyes out because I did not mean to post this at all, it's not finished but luckily for me it seems like it's finished so, imma pretend it is.
Leon was a wrestler. He was a good one at that, I mean, his parents are the undertaker and heartbreak kid. Of course he's good. He had a pretty neat streak of his own going aswell. Undefeated. Never lost a single match. So when Leon doesn't turn up on raw not only are fans disappointed but also scared. Scared that vince had threatened this Undefeated streak and Leon walked out.
This was infact, not the case.
Leon, despite being a wrestler, has only ever got injured in the ring once and that was when he was fighting his Uncle Hunter. Which is a long complicated story for another day.
Leon actually broke his arm, a clean break at that, trying to impress his already impressed boyfriend, Drew Mcintyre. It was stupid, Leon knows that, well, he does after his Papa and Father have ago at him about it. But still, Leon just had to give it a shot. I mean, it's not every day a demon from texas is put in snow and ice.
Which, drew should of know meant he couldn't ice skate or slay to save his life. Leon's arm took its first bump on the ice when Leon landed on it awkwardly a few times. It stung and throbbed but Leon just assumed that was normal. And then, stupid lil Lee, decided he needed to impress his boyfriend with his non-existing snowboarding skills which ended with him catching his arm on a tree with a very loud crack that he at the time thought was the tree.
It's not until Leon got too drew and drew checked him, and shortly began freaking out, that Leon realised he had a problem. The problem being his forearm acting as if it was now his elbow.
"Oh...thats bad..." Leon whispers. "Bad?! Leon you've broken your arm!" "Oh god we have to defend the tag belts tomorrow..." "tag belts?! Leon your arm! Is broken!" Drew would yelp before dragging him off to the hosptial.
If you asked Leon, shawn was more upset he couldn't goto get ice cream than he was about Leon's arm being casted up.
"Why would you do something so stupid?" Taker asks. "My baby's broke his first bone.." Shawn whispers. Both men ignore him. "I just wanted to make him laugh..I didn't think much of it.." Leon sighs resting his head against the pillow. "When can we sign him out? My finger hurts" cassie pouts. They had drew attached to the heart monitor but the moment taker entered it went nuts, so they had to switch to cassie. "The doctors did tests after I explained he fell on the ice first. They think he's concussed" drew admits. "Hes a fucking idiot" Taker snaps. Leon frowns. "You told me to try human things. To try being more human. I tried.." Leon whispers. Taker sighs. "I know, but you have to be careful. Your tag champ, you cannot have this" Taker states. "Ah that's where he gets it from" drew mutters. Cassie smirks and nods, already knowing Leon was more concerned about the belts. "Taker! He's broken his arm!" Shawn tuts hitting takers chest. "By being an idiot! I cannot feel sorry for him when he's the one who caused it. And a clean break? You couldn't just fracture or sprain it? You had to snap that shit in half?" Taker asks.
"Sorry, next time I'll try harder to only sprain it" Leon snaps. "There will be no next time! Both of you stop it!" Shawn groans. "At least my arm injury wasn't my own fault" Taker mutters. "Live a little old man. It's fun" Leon whispers.
"So...was it actually bent like an L?" Cassie asks, trying to break the awkward silence. Instead she gets everyone looking at her. "Just wanted to know" she frowns looking down.
Drew would soon discover this arm injury was more burden than good. Leon was driving him and himself insane. Leon did not like being told he couldn't fight. So...drew decided to atleast get them both back at work.
"If you even swing for anyone-" "I know you'll have me off for longer" Leon pouts. "Im serious Lee. The faster it heals the faster we can fight. Vince has only agreed because fans need to see the tag champs still" drew sighs. Leon frowns and looks down at his casted up arm. "Whats the story for the arm?" Sheamus calls running over. "The true story or the one hunter gave him?" Drew asks. "Which one is cooler?" Sheamus asks. "Hunters." Leon sighs. "Seriously?" Sheamus asks wide eyed. "Yep, according to hunter, he got in a bike accident, meaning not only are we not allowed to use his bike to enter but he's not allowed on a bike outside of work either" drew states. "So how stupid was the actual accident?" Sheamus questions. Drew find it adorable the way his cheeks heat up. "Snowboarding. And ice skating. We think the real damage was done when he fell ice skating and hitting his arm against a tree snowboarding just, you know, broke the ice." Drew explains.
Sheamus can't stop himself from laughing. Leon frowns and shoves sheamus with his good arm. "Its not funny! And you cannot tell anyone!" Leon whines. "Oh so telling everyone!" Sheamus yells. "Drew!" Leon protests. "Im surrounded by actual children." Drew whispers.
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mysugardaddyissatan · 4 years ago
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I’m too lazy to do this for 30 days so I’ll just do all of it lmao and maybe reminisce after a year or so if I still feel the same way as I am now
(I hold out reading on-going BL manhwa so pardon me for the lack of content)
Day 1: Twittering Birds Never Fly
- I just finished the movie so this is my favorite right now lmao. Yoshiro is so fucking sexy and Doumeki is a devoted cinnamon roll. I don’t even like Yakuza stories that much (Honto Yajuu is the only Yakuza story that I really like before reading this).
Day 2: Harada
- I’m willing to give my soul to him, I loved the dark humour and how twisted his characters are.
Day 3: Color Recipe, Happy Shitty Life and Yatamomo
-  You’re asking too much so imma give my top 3.
Day 4: Puppy Love
- I just hate this type of uke, annoying and useless
Day 5: Killing Stalking
- I don’t want them to know what type of shit i’m into so I just recommend the most popular yaoi ever
Day 6: Caste Heaven
- well it’s on hiatus and I wanna kill myself for reading it so soon
Day 7: Everything Seki Sabato, Zaria and Echo Jiro drew
- what plot? we’re here for the fap lmao (i’m not a shotacon I swear)
Day 8: Love Is An Illusion
- it’s like watching a mexican drama teleserye at 4 in the afternoon
Day 9: BJ Alex
- Still like it tho, but not as much as before
Day 10: Megumi and Tsugumi
- I just love how stupid Tsugumi is and how understanding Megumi to him #goals
Day 11: Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai
- All of this manga covers are just—-
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Day 12: Life Senjou no Bokura
Day 13: Warehouse
- like every manhwa ever? I wanna frame it and hang it in my room
Day 14: 19 Days
- I really loved stories where I should drink holy water after reading it but damn THIS IS JUST TOO CUTE. There’s too many daddies lmao
Day 15: Color Recipe
- I mean it focuses on the hairdressers at first which I find boring but when the plot twist shows damn I was hooked. Fukusuke is so damn consistent from beginning to the end. He’s a manipulative psychopathic asshole through and through lmao
Day 16: Walk On Water and Down and Dirty
- they have similar art style. i was weirded out at first but THE PLOT IS SO GOOD. I have zero expectation but it turns out so smut and sexy. I fell in love. McQueen and Lee Gyung is just AHJAHHHASDASKD step on me
Day 17: Cherry Blossoms After Winter and Here U Are
- don’t get me wrong the art is so beautiful but the translations are bad in CBAW. And I can’t really relate in manhua so there. I’ll still try to reread it when it’s completed
Day 18: ?????
Day 19: At The End of the Road
- One of the first one that I really like. I don’t like live action so I’m just gonna recommend some shounen ai
Day 20: Ghost Child
- it has the same ambiance and premise as Painter of The Night. Please be more popular so someone will translate it lmao
Day 21: Fukusuke (Color Recipe), Seungho (Warehouse) and He Tian (19 Days)
- I have a thing on psychopaths I think lol
Day 22: Yoshiro (Twittering Birds Never Fly), Azusa (Caste Heaven), Shin (King’s Maker), Hyungdo (Down and Dirty) and Taemin (At The End of the Road)
- I personally like strong, fearless, independent and “doesn’t give a fuck what other people think” ukes. Even though they have a dark past, they stay strong. I really loved characters like that. They are so beautiful.
Day 23: Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club
- as long as they’re happy with their club activities, i’m happy
Day 24: Hikizuru Oto
- this is just so fucking twisted, this needs to be longer
Day 25: Eleceed
- i’m sorry my brain is dead and everyone from Eleceed is gae for each other okay
Day 26: Every 3p manga
- I give my life for monogamy. I can stand ukes with slutty past but I would never buy any 3Ps
Day 27: King’s Maker
- hey I lived for this kind of plot. I liked how it doesn’t focus on love but on political and societal issues. The plot here is so deep. AND THE SMUT SCENES ARE FUCKING HOT REEEEEEE
Day 28: Happy Shitty Life
- this is the first time I read where the main characters are both ukes. the humour is so dark I can feel my soul slipping out
Day 29: Adam no Rokkotsu
- I feel like it will be good anime. The seme has a multiple personality disorder.
Day 30: Dear Door
- I love everything with the tags (Mystery, Horror, Psychological, Police, Detective). I see this genres, I buy the book lmao
imma see if after a year I still like the mangas in here :)
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